
Poll Shows Trump, Carson Essentially Tied In Iowa

In fact, the NBC/WSJ poll shows Sanders actually outperforms Clinton when matched with Trump and Rubio by a couple of points.


Malloy continued, “Clinton gets crushed on character issues, pounded by Carson and closely challenged by Sen”.

“But I think she’s going to be a very unpopular figure for the General Election”, predicts Pauken, a longtime Republican who worked in the Reagan White House and led the Texas Republican Party. That’s to be expected, given that even primary voting remains a long way off.’ According to Reineke, Carson and Trump both surpassed Clinton in follow-up questions gauging support for each candidate.

Since last week’s third Republican debate, which featured the 10 leading candidates facing off on CNBC, a national poll by NBC/Wall Street Journal put retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Trump well ahead of the pack.

In the Democratic presidential nominating race, Quinnipiac said former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has opened a wide lead over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, 53 percent to 35 percent.

Interestingly, the second tier among primary voters is also a virtual tie between Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Twenty-seven percent have “definitely decided”.

Jeb Bush had just 5 percent support, putting him a few points ahead of Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Sen.

Nine percent of voters were undecided and a whopping 63 percent said they might change their mind. Carson placed second with 18 percent.

Donald Trump has regained his lead over Ben Carson in Iowa, after a shaky week that saw Carson eclipse Trump.

But voters say 50 – 38 percent that Carson does not have the right kind of experience to be president.

Carson does best in the head-to-head match-up with Clinton by virtue of his strength among independent voters.

The worst was Bush, whose favorable was 25 percent and unfavorable 58 percent. She scores especially badly on the “honesty” metric, 36 percent to 60 percent.


The survey had a margin of error of 3.04 percentage points for registered voters; 4.54 percentage points among Republican and Republican-leaning voters; and 4.32 percentage points among Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters.

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