
Pollen indicate that mystery girl found dead along Boston Harbor likely lived

The analysis, completed last week, did not find evidence of pollen found in other parts of the country, Wark said.


The results were evaluated at the Arnold Arboretum in Boston and it was determined the pollen came from trees found in the Boston area.

Investigators look at the clothing and blanket found with the young girl’s body on Deer Island on June 25 found pollen that was sent for analysis at the United States Customs Department laboratory.

The child died only a short time before her body was likely dumped and then found by a woman walking a dog on the Boston Harbor island.

Now, officials say Baby Doe was likely left there.

At first, many believed her body had washed ashore.

That’s what experts think now based on the latest information they have on the mysterious girl, whose adorable brown eyes and cherubic face – as rendered by forensic artist Christi Andrews and distributed by authorities in Massachusetts – caught the attention of millions. Despite hundreds of tips in the case, investigators haven’t had concrete leads.

There were no signs of trauma, and toxicology tests found no toxins or pathogens, Massachusetts State Police spokesman Dave Procopio told ABC News. An autopsy failed to establish a cause of death. “And that’s why we’re trying to reach someone who knew this little girl and encourage them to step forward, identify her and give her the dignity of a burial under her own true name”. She weighed about 30 pounds and stood about 3 feet 6 inches tall, police said.


Wark said it’s unusual for someone to be unidentified for this long. “But we believe it will take a person who knew her to tell us who she was”, said Wark.

Pollen suggests girl found dead on Boston beach is from area