
Polls now closed in Arizona’s primary election

“It takes awhile. What’s important is to do everything correctly so we can get accurate results in”. Of that number, 225,290 are Republican, 224,655 Democrat, 1,809 Libertarian and 174,207 registered as no-party affiliation or other.


A hotly contested Republican primary race in Florida Senate District 17 involving two Florida House members – Debbie Mayfield and Ritch Workman – and Republican State Committeeman Mike Thomas.

However, the victory doesn’t clear the way to a smooth re-election for McCain.

Unlike March, all voters – independents included – will decide which candidates will run against each other for numerous offices, such as Congress and the state Legislature, among others, rather than just their presidential picks.

Eileen Long challenged incumbent Ken Peluso for the District 4 seat on the county school board.

“Everything is going very well”, said Bucher, who was on the road checking on polling places to ensure smooth sailing.

Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher says polls opened on time there, too. More than 538,000 voted during the early voting period that ended on Sunday.

There are 400,295 Brevard voters who registered before the deadline. While voter turnout was “discouraging” for the Florida primary, Hogan is confident turnout will be much better for the general election in November.

More than 12,000 people have made their way to polling locations throughout Lee County, adding to the more than 96,000 people who have cast their vote by mail or early voting.

It depends on the race.

Perry City Council District 1 representative Venita Woodfaulk handily won a second term in Tuesday’s Primary Election, pulling in 77 percent (303) of the votes.

But there are exceptions.

After a bruising race for the Republican presidential nomination, Rubio initially announced he would not be running for reelection.

Polls for the primary election have now closed for Florida residents in Eastern Time zones. So those GOP primary winners are a virtual lock at taking office. Otherwise the top two vote-getters will compete in the general election. If a candidate there gets 50% of the vote they will win outright Tuesday.

Registered Republicans also were tasked with deciding between four in the race for United States Senator.

When will the results start coming in?

About 1.2 million voters were cast ballots by mail, while another 538,000 people voted early at the polls. However, a poll worker told her she had already voted.


On Tuesday morning in Pinellas Park, 66-year-old Diane Martin-Johnson said she voted for Republican Sen. The registration deadline for that election is October 11.

Election polls in Florida are open from 7 am to 7