
Polls: Trump leads GOP nationally and in SC

The poll of 1,000 likely voters was taken before the latest Trump firestorm, this time over his statement Monday calling for a “complete and total shutdown” on all Muslims entering the United States until concerns about terrorism can be addressed. Dick Durbin of IL and Sherrod Brown of OH would require companies seeking to reincorporate overseas to first settle their USA tax bill on cash stashed offshore.


Though Rick Perry continues to talk tough about the ever-contentious billionaire Donald Trump, the former governor reiterated on Thursday that he will support the eventual GOP presidential nominee. The margin of sampling error +/- 4 per cent for registered voters and +/- 4 minus 6 per cent for Republican and Democratic primary voters. “He rakes in almost a third of the angry voters, 9 percentage points higher than Ted Cruz, his nearest rival in this category”.

Poll respondents rarely choose a candidate they’ve never heard of or have heard little about.

Later Tuesday, Rubio’s team seemed to suggest Cruz should have taken Trump on: “Courage”, Jim Merrill, Rubio’s New Hampshire director, tweeted sarcastically in response to Cruz’s remarks.

All the leads are within the survey’s margin of error of plus or minus 3 points. Thirty-three percent said they opposed to a gas tax hike, and five percent said they weren’t sure. So, as it proceeds forth the Republican Party must decide if it wants to be the party of intolerance, chauvinism and fanaticism, the bitter fruits that occur when different ethnic groups with different religions rub up against each other.

Trump was scheduled to meet with Netanyahu on December 28 during a trip to Israel, in the tradition of many presidential hopefuls. Ted Cruz (R) of Texas commended Trump for “focusing America’s attention on the need to secure our borders”.

And in theory, Trump could also seek the nomination of an existing minor party that already has some ballot access such as the Libertarian Party.

This is particularly interesting given that these unfaves are disproportionately conservative, with 51% saying they would vote in a Republican primary, 18% in a Democratic primary, and 23% saying they would skip the primaries altogether. Tim Scott have glowing approval ratings: 81% and 76% respectively. Much of the college-educated half of the party, by contrast, views Trump with disdain, but they are fractured and split among the rest of the contenders.


Huffmon observed, “Even though Christians make up 71% of Americans and 78% of South Carolinians (source: Pew – ed.), S.C. GOP voters see Christians as the target of discrimination”. The couple were said to have been radicalised. The Winthrop Poll is paid for by Winthrop University with additional support from The West Forum on Politics and Policy at Winthrop University.