
Pope calls for tackling climate change

Pope Francis blessed a smaller version of the statue at the Vatican in 2013. It was the day of the selfie, as someone called it. But people said it was absolutely worth the wait just to see the Pope, even for 15 seconds.


The pope arrived before an adoring crowd of thousands and a nation that seemingly can not get enough of the humble pontiff.

Five-year-old Sophie Cruz, the daughter of two undocumented immigrants to the U.S., has managed to meet the pope in Washington after he motioned for her to approach his popemobile.

One lucky little girl jumped a barrier, but instead of being forced back, the pope welcomed her, giving her a hug.

Her family hope that the act will highlight what they say is the need for USA immigration policy reform, as there are fears Sophie’s parents may be deported from the country.

This is the kind of day people talk about for the rest of their lives.

Asked whether the Pope’s comments on climate change would influence debate over the issue in the U.S., White House spokesman Josh Earnest said it’s too soon to know.

The bodyguard then handed the Pope a letter and yellow T-shirt that read in Spanish: “Pope: rescue DAPA, so the legalization would be your blessing”.

“He is for us bishops what we’re supposed be for our people. You usually don’t have such a young following for a pope”. The Rev. Neville O’Donohue of the St. Joseph Catholic Community in Eldersburg might have said it best when he told us earlier this week that “what [the pope] wants to do is advise and inspire”. “I wanted to see why everyone is so interested”, Mendez said.

Obama presented the key upon the pope’s arrival at the White House Wednesday.

Felicita Fuentes’ hand kept going to her face to wipe tears away. Flanagin added, “I imagine he will speak about the environment and the role we play, as both a leader and as a major consumer and pollution producer, in our culture and how we might address that”.


The pontiff was hosted at the White House by the Obamas.

President Barack Obama welcomes Pope Francis during an arrival ceremony at the White House on Wednesday. He devoted much of his remarks to climate change