
Pope Calls On Christians To Abolish Death Penalty

“So I just don’t think it’s appropriate to question Donald Trump’s faith”, Bush said at the town hall. When asked if he would try to influence Catholics on how to vote in the election, the pope wisely said he “was not going to get involved in that”.


In the comment, DeLemus posted one of her favorite Psalms, Psalm 31:14-15, “But I trust in you, O Lord; I said, Thou art my God”.

In an interview with Fox Business Network last week, Trump alluded to the idea that the pope was playing as a pawn for the Mexican government. In his Sunday sermon, he linked the pope’s remarks about “walls” to numerous social justice themes he has sounded since his papacy began in March 2013. “And this, I connect with life imprisonment”, he said.

Trump also warned that “if and when” ISIS attacks the Vatican, which “as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy”, the Pope would have only “wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened”.

So when the world’s top Catholic questions a candidate’s Christian credentials, it’s both a provocation to the right, and potentially significant in a tightly fought nomination race. “I don’t like fighting with the Pope”, he said.

He then went on to say, “And then, a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian”.

While Trump continues his campaign for hate, he criticizes figures like the pope simply for being compassionate to those less fortunate and sullying their image for his limited worldview.

“The Lord has shown us the light of his glory through the body of the church, of his holy people that lives in this land – a body so often wounded, a people so often oppressed, despised, violated in its dignity”.

“The pope is commissioned to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ”.

“All of us are sinners, all of us!” the pope said.

Trump has said he would deport millions of illegal immigrants if he wins the White House.

“I don’t think he comments on politics, but he talks about the human condition”, she said after attending Mass at St Paul’s Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The CBCP chief said the Holy Father usefully called attention to two important moral precepts: there may be circumstances that invite a re-evaluation of the judgment on artificial means of contraception; the prodding of conscience should always be heeded, as long as every effort is made to form conscience properly.

Despite a rush of headlines claiming Pope Francis is softening the Church’s stance on contraception, a Mcloser look at his recent remarks could suggest otherwise.


“I’m an American Christian”.

NH State Rep's 'Pope is Anti-Christ&#039 Comment Causes Furor