
Pope Francis Addresses Congress

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said he appreciated the pope’s humble plea for people to come together and lift the most vulnerable.


“As the son of an immigrant family, I am happy to be a guest in this country, which was largely built by such families”.

From inside the classroom they gave their full attention listening to the Holy Father speak to Congress about making a difference in the world by responding with humanity and not hostility to refugees, immigrants and those in search of a better life. The pope has said he will allow priests to grant absolution for abortion, which the Catholic Church views as a grave sin.

“We need to avoid a common temptation nowadays: to discard whatever proves troublesome”.

The Golden Rule guides in “a clear direction”, he said.

It is unfortunate for the Catholic Church that Pope Francis seems to have been taken in by the liberal propaganda hogwash espousing global warming and man-made climate change. “We have the freedom needed to limit and direct technology to devise intelligent ways of… developing and limiting our power; and to put technology at the service of another type of progress, one which is healthier, more human, more social, more integral”. “For the thousands of Syrian refugees fleeing the nightmare of oppression, in search of safety, stability, and salvation, we say welcome”, de Blasio said in a statement.

After all, the pope was once considered by many in this country to be the leader of a reactionary, absolutist threat to American liberty and to Protestant dominance.

What all families got from Pope Francis was support for their sacred mission.

“I think he was talking to our souls”, she said.

It’s a speech that spotlighted the Pope’s political persona as the anti-Trump, the antithesis of the GOP front-runner – especially the billionaire’s insistence on amassing military might, deporting illegal immigrants and a building wall between the United States and Mexico.

Chavez said the pope is an inspirational force for a number of reasons. “The Pope specifically mentioned economic migrants coming from Central America“. “All political activity must serve and promote the good of the human person and be based on respect for his or her dignity. Numbers matter”. It was a refreshing call for inclusiveness by example and appropriately suited for the first-ever address by a pope to a joint meeting of Congress. Ducey was a guest of Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Ariz.

“We can shut down carbon, you go back to the Stone Age, all live in poverty and the world is far worse”, said Republican Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana.


“I am delighted to have had the opportunity to hear @Pontifex share his message of faith and love today in our nation’s Capitol”, Dr Carson tweeted.

Pope cheered during blunt message to US Congress: Welcome immigrants share