
Pope Francis Arrives In U.S.

The six-day visit to America gives Francis an opportunity to deliver his message of compassion and simplicity to the world’s richest and most powerful country.


He says that the President admires Pope Francis, and that they share some common values.

Pope Francis is commonly known as the people’s pope because of how he interacts with people.

“The joy, the excitement, the absolute joy when someone receives their ticket and they know they’re going to be here and celebrate Mass with the pope”, said Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl.

Thursday, Francis will address Congress and visit St. Patrick in the City and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington before departing for New York City.

“He seems to be focused on the plight of the poor, the plight of those suffering and those who are the least among us and I think that has a positive implication not only on the church, but on the world”.

It was a bit of a busy flight for Pope Francis.

In addition to pictures with the pope, students also learned about the places he will visit – Washington, D.C., New York and Philadelphia.

Pope Francis is officially on American soil, kicking off his whirlwind tour through the United States.

But, he added, he was unable to meet with the dissidents at the nunciature because he was on a state visit, and needed to respect the schedule of the country he was visiting.

“I am sure that I have not said anything more than what is in the social doctrine of the Church”, he told reporters on the plane carrying him from Cuba.

“It will be double layers of security as I understand it”, Sister Simone said.

Early Tuesday morning Pope Francis celebrated mass in the Basilica of the National Sanctuary of the Virgen of the Copper Charity, where he called on Cubans to show compassion to others.

“He’s talking about how we should all be united in love and mercy, not only with him, but all of us together”, Maria Elena Beltran said.

“I think everybody wants to use a statement taken out of context here and there to advance a political agenda”, said Ave Maria University President Jim Towey.


Employers still would be allowed in interviews to ask applicants if they have been accused of crimes and some criminal convictions still would preclude some people from holding certain jobs.

Pope Francis talks with US president Barack Obama after arriving in Washington