
Pope Francis draws LGBT ire for gender criticisms

As the liberal media waits on the edge of its seat for the moment Pope Francis will overturn Catholic doctrine, they are once again disappointed to find out that he’s still Catholic.


Back in May, Francis informed the superiors of several nun orders that he planned to “set up an official commission to study the question” of the diaconate for women, “above all regarding the early times of the church”.

Pope Francis said he had spoken with Pope Benedict about it, who told him, “This is the age of sin against God the Creator!” He blamed textbooks financed by wealthy people and institutions for the societal changes, though he declined to specifically name any countries, people or institutions.

He also discussed the issue with his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, who retired in 2013 but still lives at the Vatican, who described it as “the epoch of sin against God the Creator”.

“Last May, Pope Francis indicated his willingness to appoint a commission to study the subject of women deacons”.

“What Pope Francis says today could have serious repercussions for people all across the globe, especially in countries that are basing transphobic policies on the idea that the concept of transgender identity is a Western import”.

ROME (CNN) – Pope Francis has denounced the teaching of gender identity to young children in schools, calling it bad.

Francis has spoken out against gender theory on a number of occasions, and in April 2015 said that it is wrong to ignore or diminish the differences between men and women in society.

Zagano recalled that in 2002, the International Theological Commission, under the authority of John Paul II, essentially “kicked the can down the road” on whether or not there could be women deacons in the Catholic Church.

Pope Francis on Tuesday set up a commission to study the role of female deacons in the Catholic Church.

Francis warned of a “subjective spirituality without Christ” and said that, to bring Christ to people, bishops and priests must be close to the people.


“Time and time again” the pontiff had shown prejudice against gay and transgender people, the group claimed in a series of tweets to its 63 thousand followers.

Father Kevin Burke is interviewed by CBS4's Jennifer Brice