
Pope Francis: Not right to talk about a ‘violent, terrorist’ Islam

“There is news about someone killing his fiancee or his mother-in-law, or committing other crimes”, Francis added, noting that the perpetrators of these crimes were often “baptized Catholics”.


“If I talk about Islamic terrorism, I should also talk about the Catholic terrorism”, he went on to say. “Not all Muslims are violent”, he said. It’s like a fruit salad, everything’s in there. There is a bit of everything. And he said no religion had a monopoly on violent members.

I think that in almost all religions there is always a small fundamentalist group. “One can kill with the tongue as well as the knife”.

“I do not think it is right to identify Islam with violence”.

“It’s not fair, and it’s not true”, Bergoglio asserted. “This is not just and it is not true”, he told reporters on Sunday. Think tanks are employed to do research against Islam and its believers.

Yet Rosen also said “it is a bit disingenuous not to acknowledge that much of contemporary terrorism is perpetrated in the name of Islam”. “This is not anyone’s opinion; this is a verifiable, indisputable, historical fact”.

His comments were in response to questions about the recent terror attack at a church in France.

“For the pope to equate the horrendous terrorist activity of Islam to killing “with the language” from James’ epistle is preposterous”, he opined.

In remarks delivered last week, Pope Francis said ideologies that profess children can “choose their gender” constitute the very “annihilation of man as image of God”. Simply put, labeling an entire religious group based on the actions of extremists is wrong.

The pope has previously vowed zero tolerance for sexual abuse in the Catholic Church has said he would sack bishops found guilty of committing abuse or covering it up. I am not speaking of a war of religions.

For God’s sake, thousands of Christians are being crucified, beheaded and burnt alive in the Middle East by jihadists, what will it take for the Pope to forget about political correctness and speak out behalf of his brothers and sisters in the faith?

A special message from the publisher..


The pope prayed for those killed in “brutal terrorist attacks” and for those “wounded in these acts of inhuman violence: children and young people, old people and innocent people accidentally involved in evil”. That is how history is made, that is how we grow.

Pope Francis says it wrong to identify Islam with terrorism