
Pope Francis talks tech and charity with Facebook founder

“Virtual reality and augmented reality are going to be the most social platforms that ever existed”, as they will allow people to meet with people from around the world without physically being in the same space, he said. One individual asked about Facebook’s interference with real-life interaction. “I’m looking forward to meeting more people in Nigeria”, he said.


Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg has been aspiring to build an AI assistant like “Jarvis” from the famous action movie series Iron Man for a while now. “Our first reaction [at Facebook] is we have to do everything we can to help out”.

The answer seemed a bit generic, given that phone calls and other services also connect users with each other.

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The 32-year-old Zuckerberg and Chan were in Italy to attend the wedding of a friend, Spotify co-founder Daniel Ek, which took place Sunday at Lake Como in northern Italy. Aquila has been created to give access to internet connectivity in places in the world that don’t now have it. Zuckerberg is a tech enthusiast whilst Pope has been given various speeches on how he is against technology domination that could stop people from learning how to live wisely.

One of the best things about the Q&A was that Mr. Zuckerberg confirmed that Facebook was a tech company and not a media company. He also talked to the Pope about the benefits of spreading the influence of the internet further, which would only widen the sea that Facebook could fish from.

Zuckerberg, who during his Italian holiday also met with Pope Francis, told the crowd that his front gate is programmed to open as soon as it detects his voice or face.

The couple also visited Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and discussed what the company has done in the wake of the 6.2-magnitude natural disaster that struck central Italy last week and how tech jobs are fueling the country’s economy. This was an indication of excitement among the youth to learn of the Facebook founder’s visit.


If you believe everything in Facebook’s Trending topics section, Fox News fired Megyn Kelly for being “a closet liberal who actually wants Hillary to win”.

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