
Pope Francis, Zuckerberg: Communications tech a tool vs poverty

Zuckerberg, who during his Italian holiday also met with Pope Francis, told the crowd that his front gate is programmed to open as soon as it detects his voice or face.


“This week, we’re launching a satellite into space to enable more entrepreneurs across Africa to sell Express Wi-Fi and more people to access reliable internet”.

However, after their daughter Maxina was born in late 2015, Zuckerberg and Chan announced December 2, 2015, in an open letter to her that they would be donating 99 percent of their Facebook stock during their lives through the “Chan Zuckerberg Initiative”, aimed at advancing human potential and promoting equality “for all children in the next generation”. Though communication, Zuckerberg, and Pope Francis agreed that messages of hope could be delivered to the most disadvantaged.

“It was a meeting we’ll never forget”.

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook Inc. “You can feel his warmth and kindness, and how deeply he cares about helping people”, said Zuckerberg.

In less than 30 minutes after Zuckerberg shared the post announcing his Nigeria’s visit, more than 60,000 youths made comments, liked and shared the post. Other tech greats like, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, Alphabet’s chairman Eric Schmidt, and Instagram’s CEO Kevin Systrom have had met with the Pope on various occasions. Nigeria, his destination, has the largest mobile and internet market on the continent. “Today your mother and I are committing to spend our lives doing our small part to help solve these challenges”. He said Facebook designed the technology, but local Internet providers provided the connectivity.

“We know this is a small contribution compared to all the resources and talents of those already working on these issues”.


The Director of Andela Lagos, Seni Sulyman, said: “We are excited and honoured to welcome Mark Zuckerberg to Lagos”.

Pope Francis chats in person with Facebook CEO Zuckerberg