
Pope: Gender is not a choice

In a transcript by the Vatican released on Tuesday the Pope said: “God created man and woman, God created the world this way, and we are doing the opposite”.


The 12-member commission of six men and six women includes priests, nuns and laywomen.

Pope Francis is getting criticism for speaking out against the idea that gender can be chosen.

Catholic women in Acadiana say they’ve always felt they could serve the church.

“Only when women are equally included in all ordination rites ― as deacons, priests, and bishops ― and at all Church decision-making tables, can we begin to restore our Gospel values of equality and justice”, it said.

Catholics that Western Mass News spoke with welcome the Pope’s commission. Allan feel the time has come for women deacons.

“The important thing is to make a decision because the discussion has been going on for 50 years”, Zagano said.

Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, a top church official, will head the commission. Putting the commission under his watch signals the Vatican is intent that whatever the panel concludes will be scrutinized for conformity to church doctrine.

While some people say the issue is a slippery slope which could eventually allow women into the priesthood others argue the church needs to catch up with other denominations.

A USA -based organization dedicated to achieving the ordination of women as priests cautiously hailed Tuesday’s development.

“Today, in schools they are teaching this to children – to children! – that everyone can choose their gender”, Francis said, calling such policies “ideological colonizing” supported and funded by “very influential countries”.

“They said, ‘The church opens the door to deaconesses.’ Really?”

“The church is working to stay relevant”, said Monsignor.

Most transgender people would likely say their gender isn’t chosen – that they know they are innately male or female, even if their body leads others to perceive them as the other gender. “What better candidate than a female with paternal instincts”.

The church now allows single and married men over the age of 35 to be deacons.


“It’s hard. I mean you see tables and seas of cardinals making decisions and propaganding theologies that affect my life, and yet there’s no woman at the table whom might advocate from the perspective of a woman”, she said. Mary Malone, a Franciscan who is the first woman to serve as president of Rome’s Pontifical University Antonianum.

Children should not be taught that they can choose gender' says Pope Francis