
Pope presses reform agenda amid new Vatican scandal

During his papal visit to Florence, Pope Francis addressed issues of poverty, exploitation and the image of the Church.


The Righteous saved many Jews from being sent to Auschwitz.

The pope’s visit offers “a good time to evaluate and clearly define in law the relationship between the church and the state here in Kenya”, the statement said, noting that the different areas of expertise each has allows them to collaborate to meet the needs of Kenyans.

In a letter circulated in the Roman Curia, Pope Francis announced the institution of the Gravissimum educationis Foundation meant to promote Christian education all over the world.

A divine Christ reflects a very human gaze of humility and selflessness, and he insists his disciples follow the beatitudes like he did, the pope said.

For the second, he quoted the Pope’s homily at his daily Mass in the Casa Santa Martha on October 23, in which Francis said: “Times are changing and we Christians must change continually. I think that the Holy Father has an excellent knowledge [of what is going on]”.

Francis outlined his vision of the church on Tuesday in a lengthy speech to Italian bishops gathered in Florence.

Critics of this model of synodality say it would lead the Church towards a quasi-Anglican structure in which the magisterium would be interpreted differently depending on local pastoral situations.

What they tell us is that “we shouldn’t be obsessed with power, even when this takes on the face of a useful and functional power for the social image of the Church”. The best way to dialogue, he said, is not simply by discussing and talking together, but by working together with all men and women of good will. He also encouraged young people to overcome apathy, to become “builders of Italy, to put [themselves] to work for a better Italy”.

Lombardi admitted though that Pope Francis has a few difficulties with his leg, but “his head, it seems to me, is absolutely ideal”.

“Stealing documents is a crime”, the pope said.

The Pope said the Beatitudes indicate whether the Church is following its mission or is only thinking of protecting its own interests.

On December 1, 2013 one of the numerous garment factories in Prato caught fire, leading to the deaths of seven people.

“The life of every community requires that we fight the cancer of corruption, the cancer of human and labor exploitation and the poison of illegality”, Francis said to the crowd in Prato, a few of whom carried Chinese flags and banners.


Luca Giusti, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Prato, said the Chinese workers represent “unfair competition because they don’t respect the rules”, and encourage a risky drop in standards in labour conditions.

Pope Francis speaks in Florence's Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiori during the Fifth National Convention of the Italian Church.- AP