
Pope’s climate views not well known

In the document, Francis said climate change was a real and largely manmade moral emergency caused by an economic system that exploits the poor.


Check out the Global Sisters Report eBook, On the Ground.

Pope Francis invites us to adopt what is known as an ecological worldview, where each of us – including all CEOs – have within us the capacity to perceive our dependence with earth’s ecosystems, and emotionally comprehend the full reality of the ecological crisis. “Through work”, said Pope Francis, “the family is cared for and children are provided with a dignified life”. “My project was to plant flowers around the trees in the flower beds in front of our school, to make our school community lovely”, he said.

Donna Crilley Farrell, executive director for the World Meeting of Families advised residents to sign up at worldmeeting2015 in order to receive notification of its publication and continued updates.

As part of the rollout of the encyclical, the Catholic Climate Covenant mailed to 13,000-plus U.S. parishes resource packets with bulletin inserts, suggested petitions and homily helps.

In addition, the organization has assisted several dioceses in planning encyclical-related events for Catholics and the public. “It is not a reflection of the Catholic church I know and love”.

Ask how security perimeters and traffic zones will impact a host of other things – from parking to pregnant women ready to give birth – and he’s likely to deliver a quip or a crack along with his answers.

During the pontiff’s visit, Mendez believes that Pope Francis will empower many Catholics “to feel renewed about our faith, our values, and our tradition”, but she is especially excited for the empowerment that he will bring to Hispanics, as he shares their ethnicity. Orange diocese in California ran a conference on the theology of the encyclical.

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) this week announced that his office will be conducting a statewide lottery for one ticket to the Joint Meeting of Congress with His Holiness Pope Francis of the Holy See on September 24.

Pope Francis’ historic first visit to the United States should not be an opportunity to score political points for any candidate, politician or party.


Read the full AP story on the encycli-poll here.

We must not be held hostage to profit or a deified market, Pope says