
Pope Says It Wrong to Identify Islam with Violence

Although the Mass brought the World Youth Day celebrations to an end, Pope Francis invited the youth to continue along the path that began with their pilgrimage to Krakow and bring the remembrance of God’s love to others.


Referring to the enormous crowds he drew day after day in a country where St Pope John Paul II was born, Francis joked that “Poland was invaded, this time by young people” – apparently referring to Germany’s 1930 invasion of Poland that triggered the Second World War.

I’ll put on the best Australian barbeque, and we can enjoy some nice cold beers playing some Overwatch – and then I want you to try VR, k?

When he started the trip on Wednesday, Francis said the killing of an elderly priest in France by suspected Islamist militants and a string of other attacks were proof the “world is at war” but that it was not caused by religion.

Flying back to Rome Sunday night from Krakow, he was asked by reporters why he has never used the word “Islam” when denouncing terrorist attacks. The pope said it was wrong to equate Islam with violence.

In the plane on his return trip to Rome, the Pontiff said, Islam could not be equated with terrorism, saying Catholics could be just as deadly and warning social injustices in Europe were pushing its young into the arms of extremists. I believe that in nearly all religions, there is always a small fundamentalist group. “We have them, too”, said Francis. This is what St. James says, but (you can kill) also with a knife.

Underscoring that example, the Catholic teenagers in Poland were treated to a powerful series of talks from Pope Francis telling them that the heart of true faith is found in love, mercy and serving society’s outcasts.

“I know how they think, they are looking for peace”, he said.

“One can speak of the so-called ISIS”, the Pope continued, “but it is an Islamic state which presents itself as violence”. “In his eyes, you are precious and your value is priceless”, the pope said.

“How many of our European young have we left empty of ideals, with no work, so they turn to drugs, to alcohol, and sign up with fundamentalist groups?” he asked.

On the occasion, Pope Francis also accused the West of mishandling the issue of immigrants. “I know it risky to say this but terrorism grows when there is no other option and when money is made a god and it, instead of the person, is put at the center of the world economy”, he said. He missed a step as he was blessing the altar and an image of Mary with incense.


“I let myself fall and this saved me”.

Pope I fell because I forgot there was step at altar’s edge