
Poroshenko: Ukraine and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation alliance not ready for each other

The Fund’s rescue is at the heart of a $40 billion package that nations and global organisations earmarked for Ukraine at the start of the year.


Canada has deployed ships and planes to join North Atlantic Treaty Organisation operations on Russia’s eastern European and Black Sea borders-operations that threaten a military clash with Moscow that could quickly spiral out of control.

According to Orlov, in the 1990s and 2000s, relations between Moscow and Kiev were better and deferrals were agreed, but it would be wrong to extrapolate that situation to the present one.

She is also denying an unlawful crossing of the Russian border. “It will be a great assistance to our military”. Two Russian journalists died in the attack, the Guardian reports. Political and security conditions are supposed to be fulfilled by the end of 2015, such as the bilateral withdrawal of heavy weapons, the creation of a special status in Donbas, decentralization in Ukraine, border control, etc. None of these conditions will ever be ready, and by far, within 3 months. “Our membership in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and our struggle for our freedom is part of the struggle of the free world”. “Its hypocrisy is represented by the seizing of Crimea and intervention in eastern Ukraine“. Probably somewhere a frozen conflict in the making and a lingering low-intensity conflict, with deadly exchanges of fire, military incursions, and reconnaissance missions carried out the warring parties across the ceasefire line.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said that his country is still not ready to become a member of the North Atlantic Alliance, while NATO is not ready to accept Ukraine. The difference being that the Islamic State is more likely to be dealt with by a US-led coalition. While Mulcair poses as an opponent of the current Mideast war, his differences with the government are purely tactical.

“And when we create all conditions through to meet the criteria for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation membership through country-wide reforms, I will hold a nationwide referendum, and we will take account of the expression of the will of the Ukrainian people“.

The Liberals’ support for Canada’s intervention in Ukraine has been no less forthright.

Planning for Fearless Guardian II is now ongoing, but it will be very similar to the training now being provided to the national guard.


“Russia has long behaved in a hypocritical and two-faced way”, Savchenko said in Ukrainian from inside a glass cage.

East Ukraine elections would be'serious violation of Minsk- Germany