
Positive West Nile Virus test for Pershing County mosquitoes

The disease is rare, but health department statistics say one-third of those developing encephalitis die from the disease. Thus, to date, Florida has reported only small outbreaks of West Nile, according to a new paper by UF/IFAS scientists. Empty standing water from flower pots, buckets, barrels and similar containers.


We now have a confirmed total of 9 cases of West Nile virus infections within our District: 8 in Benton County and 1 in Franklin County. While infected mosquitoes were collected from across the District, more than half of the samples came from the San Fernando Valley area. Working with the DEP, the Delaware County Inter-Community Health Coordination sets traps throughout the county to identify areas where the infected mosquitoes live. With the rarer West Nile neuro-invasive disease the symptoms may also include neck pain or stiffness, difficulty concentrating, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and sensitivity to light. These symptoms can last for several weeks to months.

And finally when your pool cover is on, make sure that there is no water on top of it as mosquitoes can lay their eggs there as well.

According to the Department of Health’s website, “Symptoms of West Nile virus are often mild, but can include high fever”.

The Pittsford surveillance program is a step back from a mosquito management plan voters approved on Town Meeting Day, in March when they approved establishing a mosquito larvacide program at a cost to the town of $10,000 per year.

Officials said spraying to control adult mosquitoes in that section of Bowie happened the night following trapping.


If you are outdoors when mosquitoes are biting, wear long trousers and long-sleeved shirts and apply insect repellent containing EPA-registered active ingredients such as DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, and Oil of lemon eucalyptus. Spraying for mosquitoes with these pesticides will kill dragonflies and other insects that feed on mosquitoes, but is not that effective against the target pests, the mosquitoes.

West Nile Virus Found in Greenwich Mosquitoes