
Possible Trump VP Pick On Abortion: Women Must Have ‘Right Of Choice’

‘I was against the war in Iraq from the start’.


Flynn said Clinton’s comments after this week’s violence – the shooting deaths of two African-American men by police and the killings of five police officers in Dallas – were “totally irresponsible when she talked about white people being to blame”.

Trump is also considering more conventional vice presidential contenders, such as former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich, Indiana Governor Mike Pence or New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Flynn’s domestic policy beliefs are little known, which is worrying some Trump aides, the Post reported.

He also blasted US leaders for failing to design a strategy and argued they “timidly nibble around the edges of the battlefields from Africa to the Middle East”. Instead, they timidly nibble around the edges of the battlefields’.

“I grew up as a Democrat in a very strong Democratic family, but I will tell you that the Democratic Party that exists in this country is not the Democratic Party I grew up around”, Flynn said in an interview on ABC News.

Flynn’s views on immigration, though, do seem to line up with Trump’s. “They are the ones that have to make the decision because they’re the ones that are going to decide to bring up that child or not”, he said.

On Monday’s edition of “Fox & Friends”, Flynn said that he is a “pro-life Democrat” and added that he believes that “the law should be changed”.

Flynn has reportedly developed a close relationship with Trump since, and is one of two generals who Trump may be considering to be his vice presidential pick.

“I vote for leaders”, said Flynn, “and, honestly, I didn’t vote much in the military because I served whoever is the commander-in-chief”. Evangelicals (at least the ones who don’t go to church regularly) supported him overwhelmingly in the primaries against social conservative Ted Cruz despite Trump barely making a pretense of sharing their religious values.

Trump stressed ‘unification, ‘ rather than someone with outsider credentials. “I’m about national security”, he said in response to a question on same-sex marriage. ‘Someone respected by the establishment and liked by the establishment would be good for unification. Picking a retired general for VP would be a disaster for the Republican Party.

“FBI decision a direct slap @ anyone who ever held a security clearance & followed the rules”, he tweeted July 5 after FBI Director James Comey, a Republican, concluded that Clinton’s sending of secret emails on a private server was careless, not criminal.


Meanwhile, General Flynn is honored about the rumors that he might be Donald Trump’s running mate. “We have to defeat them fast”.

Public Affairs  NBC News