
Post Conventions Clinton Leads Trump by Seven Points

Clinton got a 7 point bounce – leading Trump 52 to 43 percent – after the Democratic convention, reaching her highest support in any poll since early May.


Clinton’s convention appears to have helped her reverse the damage done to perceptions of her honesty during the GOP convention, but she did not improve those numbers compared with where they stood before either convention. But some of Sanders’ most fervent backers refused to accept his endorsement of Clinton, and they said even after her acceptance speech that they would not to vote for her.

Clinton led Republican nominee Donald Trump by 46-39 percent.

It isn’t all good news for Clinton. The two candidates were tied at 40-40 in a July 14 pre-convention survey.

The Republican presidential nominee alleged these newspapers write stories favouring his rival Hillary Clinton.

The decision was welcomed by numerous 400 donors who attended the weekend retreat, even though “a reasonably significant” number of attendees wanted the Koch network to support Trump, said Chris Wright, a Colorado-based energy entrepreneur. Trump also led in the polls after the Republican Convention two weeks ago.

Clinton leads among women and educated Americans. Politics has become more polarized in recent years, with Democrats growing more liberal and Republicans growing more conservative.

Primary supporters of Sanders who are now backing Democratic presidential nominee Clinton were among those who spoke during a news conference at the Rainbow Push Coalition’s headquarters, including Henry Fulkerson of the Democratic Party of Oak Park.

Lambasting Sanders for giving in to Clinton’s nomination, he said the Vermont senator “made a deal with the devil”.

On the convention’s tone, 49% said the Democrats spent too much time criticizing the Republicans, well below the 58% who said the GOP convention was too critical. Trump has sought to siphon off Sanders supporters and draw them to his campaign.

One has to think that Hillary might have picked up a little steam coming out of the convention while coincidentally Trump stepped all over his own message this week.

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump earned a convention bounce, but impressions of their parties have soured.

Trump accused CNN of “inaccurate information”, and said he won’t be doing any of their shows until they “straighten up”.

Thirty-one percent of voters have a positive opinion of Trump, which is about the same as before the Republican convention, according to CBS.


The CBS survey was taken Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and included 1,393 American adults, 1,131 of whom are registered voters.

Shocking Poll Finds That GOP Convention Made Voters Less Likely To Vote For Trump