
Postal workers union endorses Sanders

Trumka made his remarks during a period when five candidates were competing for the Democratic nomination, and Vice President Joe Biden was considering a run. “We request therefore that the Compass Group commit to reaching an agreement with the union seeking to organize these workers”, Sanders and 33 Democrats – including Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)- wrote Friday in a letter to Compass Group CEO Richard Cousins.


Besides staking claims to ideas outside the political mainstream and serving as colleagues in the Senate, however, the two have very little in common.

“I am running in the Democratic primary process”, Mr. Sanders told the Wall Street Journal Wednesday.

Sanders says if elected, he will expand the VA and mental health services and make comprehensive dental care available to all veterans.

According to VICE News, the APWU is the second major union to endorse Sanders at the national level. Over the last several months, Hillary Clinton has earned endorsements from the The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, and the American Federation of Teachers, which at the time called Clinton the “champion working families need in the White House”.

“To me, democratic socialism means democracy. So why is it so hard for us to get just $15 and be part of a union?”

Larry Cohen, a labor adviser to the Sanders campaign, said the postal endorsement means increased organizational support for Sanders in all 50 states.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is crushing both Donald Trump and Jeb Bush in a new national poll taken by McClatchy-Marist.

President Obama has advocated a raise in the national minimum wage from $7.25 (which was established in 2007) to $10.10 for years to no avail, despite popular support for the proposal in public opinion polls.

“APWU is everywhere there is a post office, and their 250,000 members are way at the top when it comes to member involvement and union democracy”, he said.

“For younger people, socialism tends to be associated with Sweden and Norway and Denmark, and those are much more appealing societies than the Soviet Union”, he said.

It is perhaps no surprise that a union which represents the workers from a government entity that, despite every residence in America being lawfully required to use their services and their selling of those addresses to junk mailers, manages to lose billions of dollars every year.

“It’s an indication of his authenticity that he doesn’t shrink from the term”, said Racevskis, a French professor at the University of Iowa.

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Last week Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders filed for the N.H. Primary with ease