
Poster for Tom Hardy’s ‘Legend’ goes viral by hiding bad review

For all its eagerness to show you a good time, the film doesn’t quite justify its existence as anything other than a comic caper with flying fists (and a hyperactive soundtrack). David Thewlis is electric as Leslie Payne, the Kray’s fronter and fixer and one of the few men who wasn’t afraid of Ronnie. The two stars can be seen poking out form behind the two Toms – as if there were more hiding behind the outlines.


Legend, in which Hardy plays both Kray twins, Reggie and Ronnie, has opened in U.S. and United Kingdom cinemas.

Don’t see Legend if you don’t want to be drawn into a realistic portrayal of the Krays, the ruthless top dogs of east London’s violent underworld of the 1960s. There is something elemental in the ties that bind the twins: Reggie commits his climactic act of violence because, he whispers in Ron’s ear, he is forbidden to kill his own brother.

In case you’re unaware, there’s a new movie starring Tom Hardy coming out next month called Legend.

But on meeting the writer-director, Hardy made it a condition of taking the role that he also got to play Ronnie. Then behind the two Tom Hardys are several star ratings from various media outlets.

Emily Browning plays Frances, Reggie’s girlfriend and eventual wife, as well as narrator-this is a curious device given the documented fate of Frances, but carries enough intrigue in hearing her perspective.

Asked if the role interests him, he crosses his tattooed arms and says: “I think a question like that is certain death for anybody who would be interested in playing that part”.

Lee himself spotted that his two-star review of the film had been given a prominent position on the poster.

The strategy proved to be more of a roaring success than the clever clogs could ever have imagined.

He was known as one of the most feared gangster’s in the UK.

You’ve got to admire their gall. Let us know in the comments (below)!

Reggie’s core moral stance remains just as unclear to the viewer as it does to Frances, and therein lies the plot’s strength, despite the dialogue’s weaknesses.


Reggie and Ronnie are already the subject of a police investigation, lead by Nipper Read (Christopher Eccleston), when calmer twin Reggie meets Frances through her brother Frankie (Colin Morgan) and romance soon blossoms.

Tom Hardy is mesmerising on screen in a dual performance as the Kray twins