
Potential unrest at Republican convention stirs memories of 1968

The podium is in the front, and to the right of it is Pennsylvania, Ohio then New Mexico.


The proposal failed late Thursday night, meaning that all of California’s 172 delegates are required to vote for their pledged candidate, Donald Trump, in the first round of the nominating process.

Traversing downtown became a challenge with barricades staffed by Ohio National Guard members blocking or restricting traffic on streets surrounding police headquarters and the Cleveland Convention Center, where numerous 15,000 credentialed media in town will work. His campaign released a list of speakers, many of whom are-no pun intended-unconventional. Guns will be allowed in the event area, but not inside a secure area where the convention will be held. Looking forward to his fourth convention as a delegate, Der Manouel says he is excited about the historic nature of the convention, noting that this is the first time the GOP will nominate a candidate without any previous political or military experience. When the Rules Committee voted down the proposal by an overwhelming margin, it effectively ensured that Trump will be the Republican presidential nominee. Even the announcement that he had chosen Pence was a study in conflict between the party and its standard bearer.

Corey Stewart, chairman of Trump’s campaign in Virginia and chairman of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors, will be attending the convention, although not as a delegate.

The state party chairman, Matt Borges, who heads the delegation, said there was a period of mourning for Kasich, followed by acceptance and resolve to help Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton in November. We say, lie, lie, lie. “It took a while, probably, to adjust to that reality”.

Former state Sen. Cliff Branan, 55, of Oklahoma City, said activists hoping to dump Trump are “sore losers”. Instead of the convention, he plans to address the NAACP gathering in Cincinnati on Sunday, a meeting Trump is skipping, and the governor will hang out with Ohio’s delegates at the Rock and Roll of Fame and Museum at a reception Tuesday.

McInerney also said he believes Republican support for Trump is surging.

Trump opponents couldn’t even muster the 28 votes needed in the 112-member rules committee to send the proposed rule change to a vote among all 2,472 delegates.

When she was asked to be a delegate, “I said OK not knowing anything that was involved in being a delegate”, she said.

Holly Gerard, 45, a political consultant from Durant, said delegates are obligated to “honor the will of the people”.

“I can’t see anybody who has the party’s best interest in mind trying to throw a wrench into the convention like that”, he said. Barack Obama in 2008 carried the county that includes Cincinnati over Sen.

“He’s different from McCain and Romney”, Triantafilou said of Trump. “And I sincerely hope he doesn’t represent its future”.

He noted that Trump drew an enthusiastic, overflow crowd in a visit this month to the northern Cincinnati suburb of Sharonville, and he said Trump has cross-over appeal that can augment the Republican vote. Only if Trump does not reach the minimum number of 1,237 delegates, a second vote would happen.

Portman knows he’ll be fielding plenty of questions about the nominee-to-be next week regardless of where he is in Cleveland.

There were people from C-SPAN, SiriusXM, Politico, various newspaper reporters, some lugging TV cameras and heavy equipment boxes, others like me dragging along their various electronic items.

Democrat Hillary Clinton led Trump 43-37 among registered voters and 45-41 among likely voters, according to the poll.

A string of terrorist attacks in Orlando and San Bernardino, as well as the horrific attack in the French city of Nice that left 84 people dead, have also left cities on edge.


Seven people from the 2nd Congressional District are going to the Republican National Convention as delegates or alternates.

Republican panel leaves anti-Trump move gasping for breath