
Power outage unleashes subway delays across NYC

Extensive delays struck half a dozen subway lines Wednesday afternoon due to power issues, but the problems, which initially appeared to affect the entire system, seemed to resolve fairly quickly. The mishap comes on the anniversary of the notorious 1977 blackout. “Trains are running, they’re just running with delays”.


The lack of electricity there means that local power centers and backup rail control stations on individual lines need to pick up the slack, said MTA spokesman Chris McKniff.

The outage was reported at 1:30 p.m. on the MTA’s website.

Every single line was affected by the outage, with residual delays continuing well into rush hour.

Read the full report on NBC New York.


The New York subway is one of the world’s oldest, with the first stretch of track opening in 1904. Most of the delays were on the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 lines.

Subway lines nearly back to normal after power issue at dispatch center that affected all trains