
Prayers, Flowers and Vigils for Police Shot in Baton Rouge

Woodley said Long was about 7 when they met and he remembered him as a good, quiet and intelligent boy.


Just as the city appeared to take a breath, the next blow hit Sunday, when a masked former Marine ambushed law enforcement along a busy highway, killing three officers and wounding three more before he was shot and killed.

Sherri Parent, 50, stood outside of the funeral home, a black ribbon threaded with blue pinned to her dress, watching as more and more people arrived.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of the letter from Yarima Karama, the OH man who said he didn’t know Long personally, but received several emails from him after Long began commenting on Karama’s YouTube videos in March. He said he had already chose to travel to the city before the shooting, and guessed that “the spiritual was just telling me it was the right place to come.”. “We’ve got so much hatred in the world right now. People used to have respect for law officers”. “And some of them we are fighting, so we don’t have to do anymore”.

“He said that in 2008 after coming back from serving in Japan and Iraq with the military, he lived the high life and partied with celebrities with his savings while stationed in San Diego, California”. Doug Nobles, 66, assistant state captain of the group, said he expected double that number to show up for the funeral.

Families that may have once discussed racial disparities in policing with older teens now face questions from preschoolers such as Autumn, who want to know why people are being so mean. “These three men have paid the ultimate sacrifice for their city and their country”.

The single gunshot that killed Long, 29, was sacked by an officer from about a hundred yards away, police officials said on Monday as they deepened their investigation into the second racially charged armed assault on US law enforcement this month.

There were songs and active prayers for peace at a community service Monday evening in Baton Rouge.

Edmonson said Long, a resident of Kansas City, Missouri, had been in the Baton Rouge area for several days before the shooting and, while he acted alone in the ambush itself, police had not ruled out the possibility that he might have had help in planning the attack.

Garafola, taking cover behind a dumpster at the store with his gun drawn, tried to rescue his wounded fellow officer – only to run face-to-face into Long.

Bonnette says Miles wanted to express his support and discuss his appreciation for the courage police show in putting their lives on the line to protect their communities.

Marcelle reiterated her condolences for the Sterling family and the families of the fallen officers.

Gerald, was a former Marine who enlisted in the Army after the September 11 attacks and also served in Iraq in 2009. The casket for the veteran who served three tours in Iraq will be customized to reflect that service.

In the document, he said he belonged to the Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah, also known as the Washitaw Nation, a black anti-government group whose members believe they are indigenous to the United States and beyond the federal government’s reach, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Ganem said “Cpl. Jackson’s wife thought of him as Superman” so his casket will have a Superman shield.

The sheriff’s office says the family requests that any flowers or arrangements be delivered to the church Saturday as the facility will not be open prior to that day. Video footage set off angry protests in the city’s black community.


Asked about Longs ties to the Washitaw Nation, FBI spokeswoman Bridget Patton said its too early to draw conclusions about motive. A black military veteran, Long had posted rambling internet videos calling for violence in response to what he considered oppression. He also peddled self-published books about empowerment and spiritual enlightenment. Sterling’s death was captured on video and touched off a series of protests, and then was followed by the death of three Baton Rouge police officers Sunday by an armed and masked gunman with heavy firepower.

Rodney Estess of Baton Rouge prays with police chaplain Bob Ossler at a makeshift memorial for the officers who were