
Pre-order spaceship causing issues in No Man’s Sky

A thread on the No Man’s Sky subreddit, as well as a Twitch live stream, show players thesadcactus and Psytokat coordinating to meet-up in front of the same NPC on the same planet’s outpost.


And remember, when you finally get that game installed, you’re going to have to wait for the day-one patch if you really want to enjoy No Man’s Sky the way it was meant to be played. While most players have to grind for a few hours during the early stages of the game to build a hyperdrive that enables intergalactic travel, the pre-order ship boasts one from lift-off. It’s within this tutorial you get the required blueprint for hyperdrive construction, meaning you run the risk of being stranded on a planet if you don’t use a different ship.

As you already have access to a fully loaded ship, the game will simply skip the tutorial on constructing hyperdrives for ships that don’t have them. Join the App Trigger team!


By starting the game with the pre-order ship, “the player ends up starting the game without the ability to build the essential item that allows you to get around and progress in the game”, says McBlurry. As a patch for the issue in No Man’s Sky hasn’t now been released by developer Hello Games, the only way to solve the issue is for affected players to completely delete their progress, and start again. The release of the science fiction game is keeping us entertained.

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