
Pregnant mother sucked venom from her son’s leg after he got bitten by a rattlesnake

A heavily pregnant mother sucked the venom from her four year old son’s leg after he got bitten by the rattlesnake.


It has been reported that the four year old was walking on a bike trail with his mum, near their home in Folsom, California, when a rattlesnake bit him on his leg.

The mother, Jaclyn Caramazza, thought to suck the venomous blood after she noticed that the venom was spreading, causing swelling.

She then really sucked the venomous blood before taking him to doctors.

However, the expert doesn’t advise to do the same to anyone, as in this case – it could be dangerous for the pregnant woman or her unborn.

They advise to clean the area using soap and water and call the emergency services immediately, if something happens like that.

Luckily, in this case, the sucked venom didn’t spread to her body nor her unborn.


Pregnant mother sucked venom from her son’s leg after he got bitten by a rattlesnake