
President Barack Obama talks ISIS, ‘radical Islam’ in impassioned speech

Said Trump, “That’s the kind of anger he should have for the shooter and these killers that shouldn’t be here”.


“I am no fan of President Obama, but to show you how dishonest the phony Washington Post is, they wrote, “Donald Trump suggests President Obama was involved with Orlando shooting” as their headline”.

“As has been pointed out, the terrorist in Orlando was not born in Afghanistan, as Trump claims, he was born in Queens, New York, only miles away from where Donald Trump himself was born”, she said.

“Why he won’t use that term or why he doesn’t use it and how it doesn’t make difference, but it does make a difference”, Trump argued and alleged that his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton is blindly following the US President.

Ellison instead called for more gun control as the way to solve mass murders like the one in Orlando that left 49 dead and 53 injured, including the gunman, a Muslim man named Omar Mateen who reportedly called 9-1-1 during the attack to pledge his allegiance to ISIS. “Nobody understood anything from it other than, boy, does he hate Donald Trump”, Trump said. “We will assemble a team from across the government, private sector and our communities to get on top of this challenge”, Clinton said.

Most Republicans also support Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigration, while a majority of Americans oppose it.

“As President I will make identifying and stopping lone wolves a top priority”.

Trump, speaking in Atlanta today, responded to Obama’s speech, saying it was long – and that by the end of it, “nobody knew what the hell he was talking about”.

Obama blasted Trump’s views as a threat to national security and an echo of some of the most shameful moments in US history.

At the time, it’s likely that Obama was completely unaware of comments that one of Trump’s most visible supporters, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, had made on a radio program just hours before, but his remarks could easily have been a direct response to them. Trump, who first called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States in the aftermath of the San Bernardino attacks, has ratcheted up the rhetoric since the Orlando shootings.

Clinton said her anti-terror efforts would centre on identifying “lone wolf” attackers – those who may be radicalized but not connected to a broader network or carrying out plans on behalf of any group. Are we going to start discriminating them due to their faith? He said he did not think such a ban was “in our country’s interest” or “reflective of our principles not just as a party, but as a country”. Do Republican official actually agree with this?


Clinton has been under continued fire for her exclusive use of a private email server while she was secretary of State.

President Obama talks ISIS 'radical Islam&#39 in impassioned speech