
President Barack Obama Will Visit Flooded Louisiana

According to ABC News, 13 people have died and approximately 40,000 homes have been damaged by floodwaters.


The White House assured victims of the flood that Obama was “mindful of the impact” his travel would have on law officials and wanted to make sure that his visit didn’t deter “ongoing recovery efforts”.

He said Obama was eager to hear more officials on the ground about the response, including how the federal government can assist in the recovery and rebuilding efforts.

The remark was a jab at Obama, who is into the second week of his annual vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, and has been criticized for not cutting short his trip to travel to Louisiana, to offer comfort and shine a spotlight on the crisis.

Obama will visit Baton Rouge Tuesday, the White House said.

The outlet noted the region’s history as one of the area’s that suffered most when Hurricane Katrina struck the Louisiana shore, slamming the president’s response to the latest deadly floods as having “evoked the precedent of the passive federal response to the state’s agony in 2005, a chapter of history no one should ever repeat”.

Next week’s trip was announced on the same day Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, visited the state.

Obama declared a “major disaster” on August 14, meaning affected residents can get federal money to help pay for home repairs, lodging while they’re displaced and low-interest loans for property losses not covered by insurance.

“We welcome him (Louisiana), but not for a photo operation”, said the governor’s office in a statement asking the NY to help by volunteering or making “a substantial donation”.

“You can get rid of Manafort, but that doesn’t end the odd bromance Trump has with Putin”, campaign manager Robby Mook said in a statement. In 2014, as Islamic State forces blitzed through northern Iraq and threatened Baghdad, Obama returned to Washington from Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., for meetings with top national security officials. But the White House usually steers clear of sending the president during the height of the response because of the disruption he and his security requirements cause. “Donald Trump hasn’t called the governor to inform him of his visit”, a spokesman for Edwards’ office said in a statement Thursday evening. They need a lot of help.

“My heart breaks for Louisiana, and right now, the relief effort can’t afford any distractions”, she said on Facebook, directing people to support organizations providing assistance.

“He took time out of his busy schedule to come here”, Michelli said.

The Advocate in Louisiana on Thursday called on Obama to visit.

She urged people to donate to the Red Cross or the Baton Rouge Area Foundation.


The president often visits sites of natural or man-made disasters in the weeks or months afterward when the scenes are calm.

Former FEMA chief: Obama 'botched' Louisiana response