
President Has One Word for a Possible Michelle Obama Presidential Run

The White House unveiled the proposal early Thursday, before Obama was to hold a town hall at a local high school.


President Obama arrived in Baton Rouge Wednesday night and was greeted at the airport by Governor John Bel Edwards.

“Since you can’t run again for another term, is there any way that we as a group can talk the First Lady into running?” an individual who identified himself as Greg Gavins asked Mr Obama.

“That’s what it’s all about”, he told an audience in Nebraska, his first stop after his final State of the Union address. He is scheduled to speak at McKinley Senior High School Thursday before heading back to Washington.

His answer? An emphatic “no”.

“Since LSU has pretty good sports teams historically, I thought I might mention you have an OK basketball player named Ben Simmons in the house.” .

Obama said he was watching their wedding tape recently and ‘I look like a teenager’. “Michelle looked identical” to the way she looks now”.

First Lady Michelle Obama waves before the arrival of President Barack Obama before the State of the Union Address at the U.S. Capitol Tuesday. He praised Gov. John Bel Edwards, a longtime proponent of the Affordable Care Act, saying he made the “bold and wise” decision to expand Medicaid.

Continuing, Obama said, ‘What I told the country – except for you – was that my biggest regret was the fact that, you know politics has become more rancorous during my presidency and more polarized than when I came in’.

His signature health care law, enacted in 2010, allows states to use federal money to expand Medicaid and provide health coverage to more of the working poor. Members of the Louisiana Hospital Association had agreed to help pay for the federal matching dollars when they kick in at 5 percent in 2017 and rise to 10 percent of matching funds by 2020.


Thirty other states and the District of Columbia have accepted Washington’s offer to pay the full cost of expanding Medicaid, but more than a dozen mostly conservative states have not.

Will Michelle Obama Run For President