
President Obama considers bypassing Congress to curb gun violence

But we have had more mass shootings this year – defined as an incident in which at least four people are shot – than we have had calendar days.


From the beginning it was clear San Bernardino was not just another nut case shooting; the terrorists were dressed military style, they had bombs as well as guns, and a sophisticated plan to escape. There’s only so much he can do as a world leader, and there’s only so much he can do as the Chief Officer of the United States. “And we will not be terrorized”.

But let’s understand something. “It’s people’s beliefs that are the ROOT of mass shootings in this world”. Nor is it somebody angry at the boss.

“Anyone who is mentally disturbed or disgruntled and shoots up his school or workplace is a criminal, but is not a terrorist – even if he’s Muslim”. Elliot Rodger, a college dropout who had long suffered from mental illness, killed six people.

Guns are the common denominator. However, it wouldn’t have stopped any of the mass shootings during Obama’s tenure. To blame Islam is the ultimate in ugly selection reasoning. The suspicions come from the kind of guns that were used, and there’s a change the culprits have access to more in their home base.

We don’t have to accept this. There is no reason it shouldn’t be similarly hard for them to buy guns. Gov Jerry Brown, so full of himself over saving the earth from a few more degrees of heat, had nothing to say about terrorism in his own statement.

But Congress has ignored the gun carnage.

In an op-ed in USA Today, Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, said the president’s calls for increased gun control has politicized the tragedy at Inland Regional Center in San Bernadino on Wednesday.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) told there is no “magical solution” that will prevent mass shootings like the attack in San Bernardino, California earlier this week, but added that more gun control “would be a significant step”. The same thing happens in IL as guns flow here from in and other states where firearms are easy to obtain.

But when it comes to guns, lawmakers are able to agree on very little, and many regulations seem to upend logic. New Harvard research suggests that about 40 percent of guns in America are acquired without a background check – which is just unconscionable.

“Shootings like this are moving me toward tolerating private gun ownership”.

“More and more we are seeing first-time gun buyers coming in”, Michalik said they are people who are afraid for their safety, not losing their right to bear arms.

The legislation stems from a Government Accountability Office report released in March that found that more than 2,000 firearms sales were approved for purchasers on the list between 2004 and 2014.

White House officials said it is highly unlikely that Congress would be willing to finance the additional costs of enforcing the new definition or pay for additional background checks, which are conducted by federal law enforcement agencies.

Since the Islamic State attacks in Paris on November 13 that killed 120 people, Mr. Obama has been continuously assuring Americans that the government is doing everything it can to protect them from a similar attack. It leaves Americans feeling unsafe anywhere, never knowing where the next mass shooting might break out.


“The National Rifle Association is not to blame”, he wrote.

GOP says no to new gun control legislation