
President Obama Gives Joe Biden His Blessing For 2016 Presidential Campaign

Until now, for about months, officials expected former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Democratic nominee in the next year election for White House. Dunn is said to be a close adviser to Biden in his first term and her husband Bauer is a well-known expert in finance of campaigns and has been one of Obama’s top advisers and personal counsel.


Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, has stumbled amid a scandal over her private email server and Mr Biden is taking a series of steps towards entering the race.

The White House on Monday acknowledged that Vice President Joe Biden is still weighing a possible run for the top job, amid controversy surrounding Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

Vice President Joe Biden received President Barack Obama’s “blessing” to make a 2016 bid for the White House.

Suffolk University found Clinton easily dominating the field among Hawk Eye State Democrats, with 54% supporting her. Sanders trailed far behind with 20% support and Biden, who is said to be leaning toward a run, landed with 11%.

Beloved by liberal Democrats, Warren decided to sit out a campaign of her own, but she has yet to formally endorse a candidate.

Speculation about a Biden run was sent into overdrive when he met Saturday with Sen.

EARNEST: Well, he, again, I think all of you and your coverage of some of the president’s comments about Secretary Clinton have noted how warm those comments were. Vilsack cited the needs of rural Americans, whom he said are often lost in Washington policy discussions.

Indeed, it could damage her campaign if the Republican Party successfully craft a narrative that paints a picture of what is, in their opinion, a secretive Clinton who plays by her own rules, experts said.

The first votes in the primaries will not be cast until early February, but Biden likely would need to jump in soon if he were to make a viable run. “They had convinced themselves that she could be the heir to Obama and the one to protect his legacy, and they were excited about it”.


Whether Biden is taking part in the presidential race is still undecided, but the issue of a potential presidential candidate was discussed during a private lunch at the White House Monday.

President Barack Obama walks with Vice President Joe Biden back to the Oval Office of the White House in Washington after the president spoke speaking in the Rose Garden. President Barack Obama is the man in the