
President Obama mercilessly mocks GOP’s debate demands: How can they handle

It burned worse than Ted Cruz’s machine gun bacon.


Bary Bennett, Ben Carson’s campaign manager and a leading push for the debate demands, said, “The RNC is a partner”. And there are those, including Lindsey Graham, who simply want to be part of the main event.

Other demands include preapproval of graphics and not showing candidates’ podiums during bathroom breaks. They’re pressing for a comfortable room temperature, too.

Trump on Tuesday called the effort “irrelevant”.

Kasich’s campaign responded later in the day, with spokesman Chris Schrimpf telling reporters that he’d be “declining to sign the letter” while taking credit for the group’s decision “not to alter the Fox Business debate”, scheduled for November 10. “When I talk to Putin, he’s going to straighten out, ‘” Obama started with. “It was actually pretty handsome when you think about it. And all we want to do is be treated fairly”.

“They can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators at the debate”.

Stephanopoulos next played a clip of Dem frontrunner Hillary Clinton saying that if Trump is the GOP nominee “I would l love to debate him….Now, that’s a general election debate that’s going to be a lot of fun!”

CNBC was pilloried for the debate, with conservative and neutral observers criticizing the performance of the moderators.

His campaign reported raising $1.1 million in the 22 hours after the debate.

Advisors from the campaigns subsequently held a meeting on Sunday to discuss changes to the debate rules going forward.

Sure, we laugh about it, but I feel there was a little bit of truth to a few of Jacobs’ responses by the candidates.

Christie also has ridden the issue to prominence in recent days. And press bashing is not limited to Republicans.

“He can’t handle the country”, Trump said of the President.


In the aftermath of last week’s controversial CNBC debate, The Donald has vowed to negotiate his own debate terms aside from the other candidates. The forum was widely derided by viewers as lacking the substance of previous debates, but the harshest criticism came from the candidates themselves, who at various points dressed down their CNBC interlocutors from the debate stage. Several more are on tap after that.

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