
President Obama Rebukes Trump’s Pessimism, Embraces Clinton, Gives America Some Love

“We have to decide whether we’re going to work together so we can all rise together”.


This week Democrats gathered in Philadelphia to officially nominate Hillary Clinton as their party’s presidential candidate. “She views Thursday night as her opportunity to address the nation about her ideas, about the moment we’re in and about what motivates her”.

On that, at least, fans here can definitely say “I’m with her”.

The first woman to lead a major US political party toward the White House, Clinton will be greeted Thursday by a crowd of cheering delegates eager to see history made in the November election.

She called her mother a “wonderful, thoughtful, hilarious” person who made time during her childhood to attend dance and piano recitals, and to gaze at the sky with her to find “shapes in the clouds”.

For Clinton, the stakes are enormous.

“A great Democratic president Franklin Delano Roosevelt came up with the flawless rebuke to Trump more than 80 years ago, during a much more perilous time – ‘the only thing we have to fear is fear itself'”.

The crowd in Philadelphia booed when Obama mentioned Trump, to which Obama replied, “Don’t boo, vote”. Polling shows that while Americans don’t doubt Clinton’s qualifications, they question her honesty, a problem made worse by the congressional and FBI investigations into her use of a private email account and server as secretary of state.

Eight years ago, Barack Obama cast himself as the rare candidate who could transcend the polarizing “politics of the past” and bridge divides that had left Washington barely functioning for years.

Before signing off on Tuesday night, she offered one last note of encouragement: “And if there are any little girls out there who stayed up late to watch, let me just say I may become the first woman president”.

Hours after Hillary Clinton gave her speech Thursday accepting the Democratic presidential nomination and capping the national convention, thousands in the rank and file planned to quit the party in a #DemExit protest. “And with Tim Kaine at her side, she will never stop fighting for our children and our families, because Hillary Clinton knows that when or families are strong, America is strong”.

Kaine blasted Trump as “a slick-talking, empty-promising, self-promoting, one-man wrecking crew”.

“He even wants more people coming in from that region than Hillary Clinton does”, Trump said. “That struggle continues”, said Sanders.

He also talked shortly after another terror strike in France in which two armed men claiming to be ISIS fighters slit the throat of an 84-year-old priest in northern France, killing him.

Clinton’s campaign believes Trump’s unorthodox candidacy will turn off moderate Republicans, particularly women, who worry he’s too unpredictable to take the helm in a turbulent world.

It is game on and it is going to be one hell of a fight.

Tim Kaine is mocking Donald Trump for being ignorant of “basic civics” and wrongly saying Kaine was a awful governor of New Jersey.

“No major party nominee in the history of this nation has ever known less or has been less prepared to deal with our national security”, Biden said.

Following reports Russian Federation hacked Democratic Party emails, Trump said he’d like to see Moscow find the thousands of emails Clinton deleted from the account she used as secretary of state.

At points in his speech, Obama also burnished his own legacy as the 44th president: the economic recovery after the 2008 recession at its peak when he entered office; a signature healthcare reform that extended coverage to 20 million people; ordering the raid that killed Osama bin Laden; winding down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; celebrating extending marriage rights to gays and lesbians; the Paris climate accord to stop global warming.


As he told of her early activism and advocacy for disabled children, he described in parallel his efforts to convince her to marry him.

Huge LA Times Poll: Trump Takes 7-Point Lead