
President Obama Sends Message to America on Clean Power

“As a grandfather of five, I call on fellow Pennsylvanians, particularly parents and grandparents, to demand that our government at all levels be agents of energy change so our children will not be victims of climate change”, said Larry Schweiger, president of PennFuture, a statewide environmental advocacy organization. Is a stay likely?A: It is relatively rare for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to grant stay requests of any type.


After Administrator Gina McCarthy (left) briefed reporters on EPA’s new greenhouse gas regulations, NRECA CEO Jo Ann Emerson said the rules go too far. The long-term fate of the measure depends on its ability to withstand the inevitable legal challenges from states and industries opposed to it.

Colorado has been seen as relatively well-positioned. Its report shows reduced emissions and electricity costs would result from the implementation of renewable and energy efficiency policies, along with a modest price on carbon. And there’s more: based on the draft rule, consumers could save up to $41 billion in electricity costs in the next 15 years under the plan.

The Clean Power Plan is key to the U.S. pledge for two reasons: first, it accounts for a major portion of our pledged reduction; and second, it is a legally binding regulation that needs no additional congressional authorization to become effective. They’re very common. It’s in the Constitution that states can do this, and [compacts] are commonly used.

“We are pleased the facts about cost-effective carbon reductions won out, as evidenced by the increased role for renewables in the plan”. Indiana’s initial targets: 16 percent by 2020 and 20 percent by 2030. This transition is exemplified by the 73 gigawatts of publicly announced coal plant retirements or retrofits scheduled to take place by 2022-enough to power 36 million households. Three of four units in Xcel’s Cherokee plant in Denver are to be shut down.


Alabama now produces 65 percent of its electricity from coal and natural gas, according to research by the Alabama Policy Institute. A couple of units at Xcel’s Arapahoe plant in Denver are to be closed. Coal-fired power plants are not only the largest source of U.S. carbon emissions-accounting for roughly 33 percent-they’re also the leading industrial source of such toxic pollutants as mercury, nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide, which have been linked to a range of cancers and cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological diseases. “Colorado has done a great job of going the extra mile compared with other states”. Morrisey disagreed with the plan and said West Virginia along with other states plan to fight it as soon as it comes down. Once the guidelines are released, the governor has one year to craft a plan for North Carolina that is most in keeping with the best interests of the state’s people, environment and economy. “The Clean Power Plan speaks to these growing business concerns by providing certainty and flexibility in building their own clean energy strategies”. It will help prevent thousands of asthma attacks, premature deaths, hospital visits, and missed work and school days every year. “And it will reduce hospitalizations due to lung disease caused by air pollution”.

After Administrator Gina Mc Carthy briefed reporters on EPA’s new greenhouse gas regulations NRECA CEO Jo Ann Emerson said the rules go too far