
President Obama Slams Republicans Stance On Refugees Coming To America

“On the other hand, Christians who are being targeted for genocide, for persecution, Christians who are being beheaded or crucified, we should be providing safe haven to them”.


The House is scheduled to vote on a bill Thursday that would prevent any refugees from Syria or Iraq from being admitted to the US unless the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland Security and Director of National Intelligence can certify to Congress that each refugee does not pose a security threat. “That’s not who we are”.

“Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America”, he said later.

President Barack Obama balked at the idea of only admitting Christian refugees from Syria into the USA on Monday, in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 129 people on Friday.

What to do with the Syrian refugees is proving to be politically volatile. “We just saw in Paris what happens when a country allows ISIS terrorists to come in as refugees and the result can be a horrific loss of life”, he said, using an acronym for the Islamic State.

But campaigning in SC, the former Florida governor said the process of screening prospective refugees seeking to enter the United States must undergo a thorough review. And if the refugees were being vetted under a specific system created to weed out terrorists riding the wave, so to speak, Republicans and Obama allies might be less nervous about opening our arms wide.

Bash: Are you saying Muslims shouldn’t be allowed in the U.S.?

But while Cruz lately been critical of the president’s policies on Syrian refugees, but as recently as 2014, Cruz, the son of a refugee, was in favor of bringing in refugees. It’s true that a few critics have said that the United States should admit only Christians and never Muslims-at least until we have reliable vetting procedures for Muslims. On Tuesday, Bush said he wasn’t discriminating against other refugees. We have no reason to accept any refugee from the Middle East again, particularly single Muslim men.

The religious test for refugees originated, as nasty things often do, in the mouth of Donald Trump, who proclaimed in July – falsely – that Christians fleeing Syria “cannot come into this country” but Muslim refugees from Syria “can come in so easily”. “We need to be resolute as it relates to that”.

The USA and United Kingdom governments relocate refugees through UNHCR camps.

And so we must give them our resources, endanger our own citizens.

CRUZ: You know, I think there are far too many politicians, when it comes to boots on the ground, that are eager just to commit to boots on the ground to show how tough they are.

“I think it says something that speaking at a college campus, on the entire campus, only two protesters come out and yell”, Cruz told CNN as he left the event. Ingraham added, “We can not be the warehouse of all these…” We have a role in deciding where they will go next. Cruz said at the time that that Obama’s request for military intervention was a public relations move, and that the US shouldn’t become “al-Qaida’s air force”.


“People understand the plight of those fleeing the Middle East. But they also want basic assurances for the safety of this country”, Speaker Paul Ryan the House during a floor speech Wednesday, according to The Hill. What does matter is whether we feel threatened by them.

Syrian refugees come ashore on the Greek island of Lesbos in September 2015. AP