
President Obama slams Trump, makes appeal for Hillary Clinton

It’s about a candidate with a mixed bag of policies, many deserving of criticism, versus a candidate whose nomination acceptance speech featured no concrete policies, other than pouring a couple of thousand miles of concrete to build a wall.


In this one, though, the embrace between Clinton and Obama is closer and less conditional than any other in the modern era – a decision illustrated as Clinton unexpectedly came on stage when Obama finished his address. “I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy”, the billionaire real estate mogul said, stating that if he was able to “hit” him, “he wouldn’t know what the hell happened”.

That Barack Obama is a great orator is a truth universally acknowledged. Trump says he’ll punish manufacturers that move to Mexico or China, but the clothes he sells are made overseas in low-wage factories. The bad news is, she’s the only thing standing in his way.

Trump said only he could solve America’s problems.

The Democratic ratings advantage has come as something of a surprise, given Donald Trump’s reputation as a ratings magnet. They foresaw the trifecta loss of the White House, Senate and House of Representatives. “And no matter how daunting the odds, no matter how much people try to knock her down, she never, ever quits”, Obama said at the Democratic National Convention. Or voting for Mr. Trump.

A vote for Gary Johnson helps Trump win, because it takes a vote away from Hillary. Third parties are now pulling more voters from Clinton than Trump, so a vote for Gary Johnson makes it more hard for Hillary to win.

The tit-for-tat comes after Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, was criticized last week after being busted brazenly pinch from a speech First Lady Michelle Obama gave at the Democratic National Convention in 2008. But she also has a lot of disaffected Democrats to deal with – voters Mr. Trump would love to pick off, or at least convince to stay home in November.

After days of endorsements from celebrities, elected leaders and passionate supporters, Hillary Clinton will be introduced Thursday night by the woman who knows her simply as mom.

Republican nominee Donald Trump is in hot water for his call for Russian Federation to release Clinton’s deleted emails, but top Democratic donors announced two separate bounties for Trump’s tax forms. “The Republican convention was like a twisted negative tour”.

But even if Obama did name-check Ronald Reagan and Theodore Roosevelt, he wasn’t stealing anything. The vice president sought to convince average Americans that Clinton understands their concerns. These were notes played to welcome conservatives who aren’t warming to Mr. Trump’s tune.

In her speech, Clinton spoke of love and kindness, her passion for policy and her upbringing that melded her into the kind of public servant she aspires to be. This was Ms. Clinton’s genuflection to those who have been Feelin’ the Bern, and who still wish the nominee were Bernie.

“I want to thank Bernie Sanders…”

It’s routine in an election year for each major political party to run their week-long convention, gathering hundreds of delegates from around the country to formally nominate their party’s presidential candidate and vice president.

The generational contrast is in stark relief in this convention city, as Madeleine Albright, who preceded Clinton as secretary of state, recalled Geraldine Ferraro, the vice presidential nominee in 1984.


While Clinton’s nomination has resulted in a similar but more subdued sense of optimism, polls indicate her precedent-breaking campaign may not translate into the numbers she would like.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump