
President Obama to attend memorial service for Dallas shootings

A sharp debate on police-race relations is consuming both present and former New York City leaders. “I’ll endorse, but I’m not a part of the campaign”, Giuliani told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day”.


Over the past week, there were more than 312 arrests at Black Lives Matter protests nationwide, so I’ve compiled some other bail and support funds you can donate to if you want to help those arrested, the families of the black men whose deaths were being protested, or the Black Lives Matter movement in general.

“The message today is simple, stop killing us, enough is enough”, said Brian Taylor from Black Lives Matter. Where are they then? It doesn’t care about the 90 percent of blacks that are killed by the blacks. Giuliani called the activist organization Black Lives Matter “racist”, prompting Meyers to explain the concept behind the name via a prolonged convenience store analogy.

But the Dallas police shootings and the protests by the Black Lives Matter movement over the recent shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota have highlighted a seemingly sharp difference. He also said Johnson was “determined to hurt more officers” and may have been planning a larger attack, citing evidence of bombmaking materials and a journal found in Johnson’s home in nearby Mesquite.

“That ain’t the truth”. The truth is, number one, there’s nobody – that’s the other thing I wanted to tell Face the Nation, they wouldn’t let me tell them. Giuliani doubled down on those comments Monday on “Fox and Friends”, adding that he’s saved more black lives than the Black Lives Matter movement.

The officers were identified as Dallas Police Officers Lorne Ahrens, Michael Smith, Michael Krol and Patrick Zamarripa, and DART Police Officer Brent Thompson.

The whole watched along with Diamond Reynolds in Minnesota, when, just moments after her boyfriend was shot by a police officer she began streaming with Facebook Live.

He said he doesn’t understand why people in the black community are afraid of police officers, when they should not be.

Of course, he said all this while conveniently neglecting statistics that African Americans are more likely to be targeted by police than white people. I mean, I’m a white girl.

Mayor de Blasio and the city’s top cop have sharply different views about the protest group, Black Lives Matter, it emerged Monday.

“There’s always this shift that’s always on the edge with Black Lives Matter to push it in a certain direction, as if everybody who believes in black people should be equal believes that violence is the answer”, Whitehead said. “I took over the city with 1,924 murders; I gave it to Mayor Bloomberg with 500-plus murders”.

She said: “To be honest, he shows a real lack of understanding about what racism actually is”.


The shootings of Mr Castile and Mr Sterling last week sparked anger across America, particularly in the black community.

Black Lives Matter vigil