
President Obama to Memorialize Police Officers Killed in Dallas Sniper Attack

They were killed while guarding a peaceful protest against the police killings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota last week.


Rather, concerns about police conduct have grown, he believes, in part because of the wide distribution of videos of the police on social media, which have heightened awareness even as episodes of improper behavior have declined.

The memorial will be live streamed at

Obama is cutting his trip to a NATO Summit in Warsaw, Poland short, and, along with Bush, will deliver remarks during the service. The ex-president will deliver brief remarks.

Officers in Dallas are hopeful this incident can bring people together – not just in Texas, but in communities all over the United States. We are now learning more about the sniper who targeted white officers and according to authorities was planning a much larger attack.

Dallas police Senior Cpl.

Details for that session are still being worked out and an invite list is still being constructed.

Mr Obama will fly to Dallas, the scene of the massacre of five police officers which, added to two shootings of black men by white police officers, has emerged as a tipping point in a national debate about race and justice.

USA law enforcement officials said Johnson did not have a criminal record.

“And that’s not fair”, Earnest said. The president will also be accompanied by First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Dr. Jill Biden, and First Lady Laura Bush.

“The president is hoping to offer some measure of comfort”, Earnest said.

It released details of the visit the President will make to Dallas on Tuesday, after he was invited by city Mayor Mike Rawlings.

The White House said Mr Obama plans to “personally express the nation’s support and gratitude” for the service and sacrifice of the dead officers.

President Barack Obama and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott asked for the public’s prayers.

“So while we’re being tested, we can’t be pulled apart”.

“They sing rap songs about killing police officers and they talk about killing police officers and they yell it out at their rallies and the police officers hear it”, Giuliani said.


“We have had a hard week back in the United States, so my trip is a little abbreviated but I thought it was very important for me to come here, given the extraordinary friendship and alliance between Spain and the US”, Obama said in a joint press conference with the king Sunday.

President Barack Obama waves on his return from a shortened visit to Spain as he walks across the South Lawn of the White House in Washington Sunday