
President Obama traveling to Warren Wednesday; Visiting Macomb Community College

During a speech at Macomb Community College in Warren, Michigan, on Wednesday, the President continued to pitch his proposal of two free years of community college for those seeking to expand their education beyond high school.


“I signed a new executive order requiring federal contractors to allow employees who work on our contracts to earn up to seven paid sick days a year”, Obama said.

During his speech, Obama noted that Tennessee saw the enrollment of 15,000 students in its own community college program this fall. You know, I was sitting in her room because I was going to see her off her first day of school.

The concept has had more success outside of Washington, and 11 states are now considering legislative proposals to offer free community college.

The key to that path to economic recovery, the president says, is higher education.

Before delving into the substance of his remarks, Obama stated he was “a bit freaked out” that his older daughter, 17-yr-previous Malia, began her senior yr of highschool this week and can be heading off to college quickly. In addition, an independent campaign titled “Heads Up America” will launch to further promote the need of community colleges.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Wednesday that there was “widespread support” among House Republicans to approve a stopgap bill well into the fall to allow more time to negotiate final budget numbers with Obama.

President Barack Obama is pushing to make higher education accessible to every American.

He also announced $175 million in Department of Labor grants across the country to help with apprenticeships, with awards going to 46 organizations, institutions and businesses pledging to train workers in health care, information technology, advanced manufacturing and more.

The president arrived in Michigan around 2 p.m. The campaign will also have a National Advisory Board that will include the president of the Association of Community College Trustees, J. Noah Brown, and the president of the American Association of Community Colleges, Walter G. Bumphus.


President Barack Obama’s visit to Macomb Community College may have been the start of serious nationwide reform for funding in regards to student tuition.

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