
President Obama : We Would Destroy ISIL, Asks Citizens to Remain Tolerant But

It is important to state that since the terror attacks in Paris that killed 130 people, the strategy employed by President Obama has come under intense scrutiny.


“We do not succumb to fear”, Obama said during a news conference closing out the final leg of his nine-day, three-nation trip overseas.

Obama said the media in particular should maintain the right perspective on the danger that the Islamic State and other terrorist groups pose to the country.

The United States had made great progress on deepening engagement with the Asia-Pacific region during the recent talks of the G20, APEC and ASEAN, he said.

The Paris attacks have heightened fears of terrorism in the west and also sparked a debate in the United States about accepting refugees from Syria.

“They’re a bunch of killers with good social media”, Obama told reporters Sunday. “Our way of life is stronger”. “My hope though is, now that we have some time to catch our breath and take a look at this carefully, that people understand that refugees who end up in the United States are the most vetted, scrutinized, thoroughly investigated individuals that ever arrived on American shores”.

“Sometimes back home, critics will argue there’s no point in us getting our house in order when it comes to climate change because other countries won’t do anything and it will just mean we’re in a less competitive position”, he said.

France is part of a US-led coalition which has been carrying out airstrikes against IS for over a year, while Russian Federation launched a separate bombing campaign in September. “It’s gonna get done”.

Obama fears an overreaction of the Paris attacks would somehow sacrifice American values. More Democrats (45 percent) say he doesn’t have a plan than say he does.

Approximately 66 percent of Americans think US President Barack Obama has no clear plan for defeating the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria, a new poll has shown.

“Well, I met with President Xi (Jinping) and China signed on to an aggressive commitment that took a major argument away from those critics”.

Obama has repeatedly said he doesn’t want to use ground troops.


Obama added, “He found a few other vicious people, got hands on some fairly conventional weapons, and sadly it turns out that if you’re willing to die you can kill a lot of people”.

Paris climate summit will show world 'not afraid' of extremists: Obama