
Presidential hopefuls Sanders, Clinton in dead heat – Reuters/Ipsos poll

The former secretary of state replied, “Enough is enough”. Like many of Sanders’ supporters, Robinson doesn’t trust that Clinton, who has received at least 15 percent of her campaign contributions from the financial industry and is supported by a super PAC, can do the same. “When we began this campaign here in New Hampshire, we were 30 points down in the polls and she was much better known in this state than I was”. Only if Sanders wins the New Hampshire primary-and then trounces Clinton and his Republican opponent in the rest of the race. Clinton has pointed to the crisis of lead-poisoned water in Flint as an example of racial and economic injustice, an issue that resonates among Democrats, particularly African-American voters.


Just minutes later, she got tangled in a question about a part of her resume that is an enduring mystery. The Clinton camp suggested that a debate be used to bring attention to the crisis in Flint, “We’ve agreed to an additional debate in NH and are now in discussions to agree to additional debates – we think one of them should be in Flint”. Sanders has narrowed that lead considerably over the past several weeks. Introducing the show’s musical guest, David asked Sanders how things were going in New Hampshire.

Matt Paul, Clinton’s Iowa campaign director, downplayed the situation in a statement.

“I don’t think voters are interested in the transcripts of her speeches”, Joel Benenson, Clinton’s pollster, told reporters Friday.

Sanders reiterated that message to all of the Democrats at the rally.

Sanders headed to New York City for a cameo appearance on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live”, appearing with comedian Larry David, who has portrayed Sanders as an impassioned underdog shouting for revolution. “Sanders and I share some very big progressive goals”, going on to talk about how the nation should avoid starting over on health care reform.

A woman who said she worked for Clinton’s 2008 campaign in New Hampshire told the ex-secretary of state her explanation of the Benghazi attacks “continues to give me some doubts”.

Gov. Maggie Hassan, D-Newfields, who is running for U.S. Senate, U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster, D-NH, and Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz were among the speakers.


Clinton continued to put herself in Sanders’ young supporters shoes, adding that she learned in the 1960s and 70s “what you are proving everyday, you can make change every day without being elected, you just need to go do it”. “I want to take a minute right now to speak to all the young people who are here”, she said, “whether they are supporting me or whether they are supporting Senator Sanders”. In many instances, Clinton’s contract prohibited her comments from being broadcast, transcribed or “otherwise reproduced”, according a copy of one such agreement with the University of Buffalo.

Former NAACP head Ben Jealous endorses Bernie Sanders