
Presidential Poll Results: Ted Cruz Passes Ben Carson in Latest Iowa Poll

Still, it seems that this self confidence has brought Donald Trump a lot of supporters, fact proven by the latest poll results, showing that he’s the favorite for winning the Republican race, surpassing names like Ted Cruz or Ben Carson.


Footage did air on television of celebrations overseas, which is what Carson later said he was referring to.

O’Reilly called out Trump for his admission: “You’re a presidential contender, you gotta check ’em”. I saw it. There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. “You know, they don’t use waterboarding over there; they use chopping off people’s heads”.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager on Tuesday accused the media of coordinating an elaborate conspiracy to deny the billionaire’s claim that “thousands and thousands” of New Jersey residents cheered the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

In Columbus on Monday night, Trump said “the reporters are calling all day, all night… they want to find out did Trump make a mistake”, he said.

There is no evidence, as others have pointed out, that thousands of people in New Jersey cheered the attacks on 9/11.

Trump then went so far as to tell an NBC News reporter that he has “the world’s greatest memory” and is demanding an apology from those who doubt his recollection of the attacks.

The economy and jobs are the most important issues in deciding who they will support, according to 25 percent of likely GOP caucusgoers.

“I don’t recall that”. But I’m sure Trump was already on the radar of these hate groups, which he has refused to denounce, given his infamous racist birther campaign versus President Obama. His critics, however, doubted this claim and argued that The Trump Towers is located along Fifth Avenue, the report relays.

Trump spoke for more than an hour in a packed convention center hall, with crowd estimates of more than 10,000 people.

Carson: I saw the film of it, yes. “I know many Muslims that were just as angry and saddened by the attack on our country”.


Super PACs are reportedly stepping up their spending to oppose Trump, and Cohen and Trump have indicated they could consider that effort a nullification of Trump’s pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee and forgo an independent run if it’s not him. “I really think that would be a stretch”.

Donald Trump says United States should bring back TORTURE to waterboard evil Islamic