
Presidential polls latest news: Carly Fiorina is now in second place in

“It’s a badge of courage”, Trump said of all the added attention.


“I believe that anyone of any faith make better leaders”, she added, noting that “my faith has sustained me” through hard times like her battle with breast cancer and the death of her stepdaughter. This expansion stands at the center of all of the statistics Fiorina recites about how HP grew under her watch.

The defining moment of her status as a change agent at the company arose when she proposed acquiring rival tech company Compaq. “She’s pretty very bad, and this will come out”.

To this statement about the notorious Planned Parenthood video. Questions are being raised in the media about her tenure at Hewitt Packard, the same sort of questions that sunk her bid to replace Barbara Boxer as a senator from the state of California.

Republican presidential candidate and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina – a vocal critic of lifting economic sanctions on Iran as part of the nuclear deal – delivered a paid speech to French bank BP Paribas in June of previous year , six days after the Wall Street Journal reported the bank was the subject of a federal criminal probe for flouting USA economic sanctions on Iran. While any massive merger naturally results in some painful restructuring, the sheer scale of the firings, along with the fact that they were the product of a merger that many felt was unwise, only made the act more controversial. While Trump has said he would create a military so strong that “nobody would mess with us”, Fiorina cited specific goals for beefing up the Army and the Marine Corps.

Trump also enjoyed high numbers on his ability to handle the economy and Illegal immigration – the two most important issue for many Republican voters, according to polls.

True to her roots as a tech exec, Fiorina has adapted early and often.

While the debate was a testament to her gift for verbal sparring, it also revealed a tendency for embellishment. “And she may have decided by now that that’s not what works best for her”. When asked about the top three GOP candidates being political outsiders, Clinton said, “I can not imagine anyone being more of an outsider than a first woman president“. It is a business-oriented style. During a period in which the company’s stock plunged, Fiorina oversaw the downsizing of staff by approximately 30,000 workers – a figure that has discreetly plagued the Fiorina campaign. Why, that she can do, too.


In some instances, Fiorina’s deployment of language from the corporate sphere, with its use of jargon and acronym to imply insight and exclusivity, seems ill-suited to politics. As Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a Fiorina critic and senior associate dean of Leadership Studies at Yale University, wrote recently in Fortune, Fiorina was recorded as saying, “We may have to do something extraordinary” to bring Deutsche Bank on the right side. She always knew the fork goes on the left. “Human potential is a limitless resource that must be unlocked, focused, and leveraged to solve our problems and tap into our opportunities”. The latter is clearly unconstitutional, but the former should get Carson some thumbs up in certain circles, even if it causes outrage among others, who probably wouldn’t vote for the man anyway.

Fiorina lights