
Presidential rivals: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are 19th cousins

Yet when the two go head-to-head in a new poll, The Donald wins.


According to a report in Extra TV, genealogy experts say Donald Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton – the front-runners for the Republican and Democratic presidential nomination – share a common ancestor from England 18 generations ago. 14 percent of people polled were undecided between Clinton and Trump or declined to answer.

I think this shows the power of party identification”, said Chris Karpowitz, co-director of the BYU elections and democracy center.

After months of appearing to be the Democrats’ undisputed nominee for 2016, Clinton has faced rising competition from U.S. Sen. In 1992, Bill Clinton finished third behind the Republican and independent candidates.

Of those, 1,311 completed the poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent.

At a recent event, he said he would break up the too-big-to-fail banks, keep us out of wars and use a tax on Wall Street trading to help pay for his programs. Among Republicans in the survey, Trump handily defeats Clinton with slightly more than 80% support.

According to EPIC-MRA, 45 percent of people polled said they would vote for Bush, a Republican and former governor of Florida, if the election was held immediately.


Sanders caucuses with the Democrats and is a self-described Democratic Socialist who favors policies similar to the Social Democratic parties in the Nordic countries, which the writer may not be familiar with. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee came closest with 65 percent having a negative opinion of him.
