
Price of Girl Scout cookies to increase

Girl Scout cookie prices are on the rise in a few areas, according to CNBC, but the beloved treats are still going to be $4 a box in West Central Florida. Girl Scout Cookies will be $4 per box, with the exception of Toffee-tastics at $5 per box.


Girl Scout leaders said the price hike is happening all over the country but it is up to each individual council to decide the price.

When Parcellin consulted councils in California, Nevada and Hawaii that charged $5 a box in the last cookie season, they said their sales weren’t adversely affected.

So, while other councils might see increases, the local one will not. The tickets are $100 a person.

More than 59 million American women can proudly say that they were, or are, a Girl Scout.

Girl Scout Cookies are an important part of the Girl Scout leadership experience.

The Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes serves about 17,000 girls in 58 counties in northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of MI.

2016’s Girl Scout cookie sales will take place January 22 – April 3.


Taking the traditional cookie program to a new level, girls will learn how to run and promote a business online by creating a personalized cookie website.

Girl Scout Cookies will be $4.00 per box in Nebraska when the iconic treats go on sale