
Priebus ducks questions about Trump’s character

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday said Donald Trump would have to “answer for” a series of unwelcome advances on women highlighted in a recent report.


Priebus said party leaders should “work with Donald Trump and find out whether or not there’s common ground and whether there can be assurances on the Supreme Court and those sorts of things to make sure that our future is secure down the line, as opposed to blowing everything up”.

Priebus urged unity behind Trump, calling efforts to draft a conservative to be a third-party candidate a “suicide mission”. “People look at Donald Trump and say, is this person going to cause an quake in Washington, D.C”.

He also dismissed questions about a New York Times investigation into Trump’s history of interactions with women, which documented an obsession with the physical appearance of women including his employees and daughter.

Instead, voters only care that Trump will create an “earthquake” in the nation’s capital, Priebus insisted.

“It’s something that Donald Trump is going to have to answer questions in regard to”, Priebus said on “Fox News Sunday“.

When Wallace turned to the tax returns, Priebus admitted that 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney had badly damaged his chances in the election by controversially delaying the release of his returns.

“As Christians, judging each other, I think, is problematic”, he said on ABC’s “This Week”.

“I’m not saying it’s not legitimate, Chris”. “You’re not only changing and throwing out eight years of the White House, but you’re also throwing out potentially generations on the Supreme Court”.

I think the bigger issue when we make these judgments about people are, you know, whether or not individuals are throwing stones in glass houses and when people are hypocrites, obviously, that’s when these stories have an impact, but I don’t think Donald Trump in his personal life is something that people are looking at and saying, well, I’m surprised that he has had girlfriends in the past. “This is a suicide mission”.

“I get that this stuff is interesting, but it doesn’t move the dial one notch”, said Priebus, who argued Trump is an unconventional, first-time candidate who has so far been able to overcome mistakes and the storm of criticism that follows.


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told “Fox News Sunday” the GOP needs to accept that voters are looking for a major change in Washington. Ryan, though not ready to endorse Trump, met with the real estate mogul in Washington last week to determine whether differences could be patched.

GOP chairman says he thinks Trump understands need for unity