
Primary Election ballots arriving in mailboxes

“As we approach Election Day, it will be critical for local campaigns to devote significant resources to Get-Out-The-Vote efforts to turn out voters and secure votes in a cycle dominated by presidential politics”. He said more than 970,000 absentee ballots were mailed out to voters, and about 30 percent have been returned. “The county election board must mail the ballots to the voter and the voter must return the voted ballots by mail”. According to state law, a Postmark doesn’t count. The ballot must be received by the County Clerk on or before 7 p.m. on June 28. Do not sign someone else’s ballot envelope for them, and be sure (before signing) that you don’t accidentally swap your ballot envelope with someone else’s in your household.


Provisional ballots will be counted the week after the election once officials determine that a person didn’t vote at two residences or in two different counties. This is required in order for your ballot to be processed.

Kellie Robinson, chief deputy clerk of Summit County, said her office has received inquiries from voters ensuring their information is correct and they are registered. Only those who didn’t receive a ballot or received the wrong one are encouraged to use the polling locations. Unaffiliated voters can affiliate with a party and vote in the Primary Election by completing their Affiliation Notice that was recently sent in the mail from our office or by going to the Clerk and Recorder’s Office, or online at

South Carolina’s primary day isn’t until Tuesday, but polls will be open Saturday for absentee voting at the York County Elections and Registration Office.

For the primary and general elections, six drop-off locations will be available until Election Day.


The Republican Party, Peace and Freedom Party and Green Party chose not to allow crossover voting in its primary. The primary election does not place a candidate into office.

Mayor Kevin Faulconer and his wife Katherine voting Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church. Courtesy Faulconer's campaign