
Prince cremeted, remains to be kept in secret location

The Carver County Sheriff’s Office in Minnesota held a press conference today at 4 p.m. EST, explaining the investigation is still ongoing into the music legend’s death and there were certain things he could not share at this time.


After a “meticulous, complete” exam, the body was released to family members, the spokeswoman said. According to the Sheriffs Office, the last time Prince was seen alive was about 8 p.m. Wednesday night at Paisley Park.

Sheriff Olson said in the conference, “There were no obvious signs of trauma on the body at all”.

Staff became concerned when they could not get in touch with Prince the next morning, and went to the residence to look for him.

Sheriff Olson added there had been no previous calls to the county sheriff involving Prince at his estate in the past year. However, he declined to officially rule out foul play.

As far as what Prince was wearing (after a reporter asked), Olson said he was wearing a shirt and pants-“He was in clothes”.

She said the office is examining Prince’s medical history, social history, and his family’s medical history.

A promoter said Prince was scheduled to perform a set of shows earlier this week in St. Louis, but had to cancel because of health concerns.

“We have no reason to believe at this point that it is a suicide”, he said.

The publicist’s brief statement repeated that the cause of Prince’s death was unknown, and said autopsy results wouldn’t be received for at least four weeks.

A day after the enigmatic pop superstar died at age 57, a steady stream of people filed past his Paisley Park studio complex on the outskirts of Minneapolis to pay their respects and place flowers and handwritten messages. That didn’t seem unusual, considering Prince was “a very private person”.

Olson said “there were no calls involving Prince in the a year ago that we have had”.

It came after some fans at Paisley Park were handed purple boxes containing a photo of Prince and a black T-shirt with 3121 printed on, the numbers referring to an album released by Prince in 2006.


Prince reportedly overdosed on a highly addictive prescription painkiller just days before his death.

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