
Pro-Bush group attacks GOP rivals, invokes U.S. security

A billionaire who is backing former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is running a personal campaign against fellow billionaire Donald Trump, calling the GOP presidential candidate an insecure, narcissistic bully that needs to be stopped.


A site with the domain name redirects to the real estate moguls official presidential campaign page,, and features Trumps slogan with options to support or donate to his campaign.

The new TV ad from the super PAC Right to Rise USA arrives only hours after Mr. Trump called for the completely and totally shutdown the entrance of Muslims into the U.S. Jeb Bush’s leadership PAC filed a Federal Election Commission grievance against Donald Trump Wed., accusing his marketing crusade of not legal accepting corporate funds through the use of the Trump Organization’s legal counsel to fireside off cease-and-desist letters to judges.

“Jeb has the experience and knowledge to protect your family”, the announcer ads. “Mike Fernandez, [the] biggest single supporter to your super PAC, is taking out full-page ads right now, where he compares Trump, suggesting that he’s – that he’s like Mussolini and Hitler”.

While this kind of redirected interest is inconvenient for the Bush campaign, it could be worse.

This shows that Trump is a bully and will use abuse the legal system to attempt to quash political speech.

On Wednesday, Bush touted a plan to return more power to states.


Fernandez began the campaign before Trump’s statement this week that Muslims should be banned from entering the country, but he mentioned the remarks as another example of why he’s hoping to knock Trump down as a front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination. “I know you don’t think he’s going to get it. I know you think you’re going to be the nominee”. The aim of the advertisement is to portray former Florida Governor Bush as ready to take on the job as commander-in-chief and dismiss some of his chief rivals as ill-prepared for the White House.

Here's How Donald Trump Just Punked Jeb Bush Again